How to Transfer Continuing Education to College Credit

Have the transcripts from your continuing education courses. These can be acquired by contacting the registrar at the institution that you took your courses. Calling is best since you can ask what the procedure is for acquiring your transcripts. Ask about obtaining both official as well as unofficial copies. While you will use unofficial copies whenever you call colleges and ask about transferring the credit, the colleges might require official copies, which are often sealed in an envelope, sent to them.

Choose the colleges to which you need to transfer your credits (Credit Card Education). This can be a listing of community colleges or 4-year colleges. Find the contact details about each college, including a telephone number for the actual registrar's office, and write them in a notebook which means you have the information handy. If possible, find the name of someone who works at work. By making a personal contact, you have someone you can call later for those who have questions.

Call the registrar's offices at the colleges and get about the procedure for transferring credit (Credit Card Education) from ongoing education courses. Write down the information in your notebook to help you refer to it later. You might also get addresses in the registrar's office, and you'll definitely want to write these down to help you send copies of your continuing education transcripts. After you have the procedure, which usually consists of sending recognized transcripts, thank the person.

Wait for your reaction. When you get one, hopefully it will be a positive response and you'll have already earned college credits due to your transfer.